In this short video, let’s examine some Strategies to Engage Learners in Self-paced Software Training.

You can either play the video or read the short blog below.

Strategy One

Using PAUSES in instructions can be an effective strategy if you are restricted to videos as your delivery medium.

You can present a problem on one screen in the video and then provide an instruction like:
Pause the video and reflect on what can help you to solve these problems in the software.

Next, the following screen can present the solutions or the next video can present the solutions that conclude by rewarding them for thinking about solutions or giving it a shot.

Strategy Two

With software training, a practice environment is the best way to engage learners. Work with Subject Matter Experts to determine a use case that learners should practice with in the environment. Make sure the practice will add value to the learning experience and the learners’ skills.

Strategy Three

Finally, also consider using demonstrations and use software, such as Adobe Captivate to provide simulation practices.


Thank you for reading this blog or watching this video. Do check out our course portfolio on Udemy to learn more about Instructional Design.