Laptop With Book And Magnifying Glass

  1. Check fonts in hoardings, flyers, and restaurant menus
  2. Check for typos in hoardings, flyers, and restaurant menus
  3. Check whether an image was resized as per the aspect ratios
  4. Stop reading a Website/Book if you find its grammar below the mark
  5. Correct other people’s grammar as they speak
  6. Break large chunks of paragraphs in Newspapers and Magazines into bullets
  7. Read the article and then asses the article’s heading to validate whether the core concept has been captured
  8. Break an advertisement into Storyboard slides/doodles
  9. Visualize all information graphically
  10. Examine website interfaces and color schemes
  11. Examine any document (menu or article) for consistent usage of photos or clip arts or silhouettes
  12. Check whether bullet points show on T.V., Newspapers, Magazines, Web have a parallel structure
  13. Your personal to-do lists have a parallel bullet structure
  14. Review and despise English in emails from non-writers
  15. You start assessing Instructional Design quality of each course you attend: Driving, Photography, or Physical Fitness