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5 Leadership Lessons from the Peaky Blinders Series

If you are a fan of the Peaky Blinders series, then this video will be right up your alley. However, if you’ve not seen it, don’t worry, as the lessons are for everyone. We don’t endorse the unlawful violence, smoking, or drinking habits of the main protagonists. However, being constant learners, we do look to learn from everything. So, here are five leadership lessons for Entrepreneurs and leaders from the character Tom Shelby, the lead character on the show.

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Stay Calm During a Crisis

Leading a business exposes you to various crises on a day-to-day basis. To overcome the crisis, you must learn to make the right decisions while being under pressure. You cannot do it unless you stay calm. Hence, for leaders, it’s necessary to practice staying calm under pressure; and then make the right decisions. This comes with practice. Initially, any crisis may shock you. With experience, learn to bring your calmness back, especially when you are talking with your team. After Tommy gets married in season three, he confesses to his wife that he panics many times but doesn’t show it. We can learn from this leadership trait to portray a calm demeanour in front of our team.

Develop a Reliable Network

At many junctures on the show, Tommy from the Peaky Blinders series is cornered by his enemies. If we speak in business terms, he is cornered by his competition, or just the way the market is. At such times, what helps him to come on top is his reliable network. So, look beyond your immediate team and build a network that can help you out during tough times. Or, have a network that can prevent you from getting into a crisis.

A team being influenced by the Peaky Blinders series messages

Build a Team You Can Trust with Defined Roles

The adage of knowing the strengths of your team and trusting them to do their work is an age-old leadership mantra. The way Tommy leads his gang reminds us how to assign roles based on your team’s strengths. In addition, the Peaky Blinders series also demonstrates when to empathize with a team member; and when to remind them of their responsibilities and strengths without any inhibitions.

Be Vulnerable 

Great leaders are also vulnerable to their teams. This lets them get their message across with conviction and passion. Your team will know when you are faking it. So, be vulnerable in your messages to build trust with them, so they know your earnest messages and will go the extra mile for you during a crisis. In addition, being vulnerable with your trusted folks can help you take care of your mental health. Leadership is a stressful job. It’s necessary to be vulnerable and share your worries with someone you trust to let off some steam.

Carry on with the Big Picture in Mind

Staying motivated as a leader or entrepreneur can be challenging. So, what can help you during a phase when you are feeling demotivated is: reminding yourself of why you are doing what you are working on. That is, what is your big goal? For Tommy from the Peaky Blinders series, it’s about getting rich, taking care of his family, and having more power. If you’ve not defined your big picture or big goal, write it down, now.

We hope these tips from the Peaky Blinders series are helpful to you and remind you of some basic leadership lessons that tend to slip out of our minds. For more leadership lessons from some of the greatest Entrepreneurs of our time, do check out our course on Entrepreneurship on Udemy.

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