In this short video, we’ll explain what is Just-in-Time or JIT Training or Learning.

You can learn by watching the video or reading the blog, below.

If you want to search for a new fact or the definition of a new term, what do you do? Well, you google it. So, Google provides you with the required knowledge just when you need it. This is a very basic example of what Just-in-Time Training is.

In terms of formal learning plans, JIT Training can be defined as the implementation of enablement strategies that provide your learners with the knowledge and skills just when they need it.

So, to implement JIT Training, you need to develop a large database of training and make it accessible in the quickest way possible, so that it’s delivered when learners need it. Note that all training cannot be Just-in-Time. So, identify what needs Just-in-Time delivery and deliver only the required modules with the Just-in-Time approach.

An example of JIT is when you install a new app, it’s likely that you’ll be guided on how to use the app before you can do anything else in it.

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