This video talks about basic design principles one must keep in mind for slide designing. By using simple examples and analogies, the video takes you through the basics of User Experience principles. These principles have a bearing on how one must design slides for effective learning.
Slide Designing Tips for E-Learning
The basic design principles concepts covered are as follows:
The distinction between good and bad design: Good design does not get noticed. When a slide is designed well, the learner can focus on the learning content on the slide with ease. A badly designed slide distracts the learner and is not functional.
Foundations of good slide design: Keep only those elements on the slide that are essential or relevant to the learning experience. Lay out these elements in a simple manner wherein they align with user habits and logic. This leads to a clear explanation of the technical relationship between all the elements on the screen (a process diagram and its explanation).
Content leads and design supports: Content should occupy the most space on the screen. Supporting elements like images and icons can be removed or made small. This avoids getting learner’s attention away from the learning. If your design element is a graphic, such as a process diagram, let that occupy maximum space on the screen and have an appropriate voice-over walk the learner through the process details.
Learn before you teach: Designers of async E-learning are pseudo-teachers who teach with their written words and designs. Learning the content helps with visualization of how best the content can be taught.
Storytelling through design: Use of the right words, diagrams, icons, artwork, etc. creates a visual story that intrigues and engages learners – just like a good movie.
The style guide: It helps establish brand identity and a consistent learning experience. Deviating from the style guide takes attention away from the content.
Basic Design Principles: While implementing the slide designing tips that we’ve shared till now, don’t forget following best practices inspired from basic design principles. Contrasting the color of the content with the background for good readability. Aligning content for learner experience consistency. Using white space judiciously to draw the learner’s attention to key elements on the screen.