Learn Instructional Design
ROI Calculator for Training Investment
Typical training goals relate to improving your audience's performance that can be measured based on the higher number of units that they produced or the time that they will save after gaining skills from the training. The units can relate to manufacturing, BPOs, or software development. For example, even if you are teaching your team to communicate better, the result will relate to improved communication, which will then influence better quality, time saved, and productivity. Hence, our Use Cases for calculating ROI and Payback period have been simplified to two measures: Improved Productivity and Time Saved.
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ROI and Payback Report with Input Values

Based on the assumed improvements stated below, the related ROI and Payback period is stated below.
Productivity improvement based on units of production
Increase in productivity in units
Profit per product unit
Payback period in days
Return of Investment

ROI and Payback Report with Input Values

Based on the assumed improvements stated below, the related ROI and Payback period is stated below.
Productivity improvement based on time saved per unit
Man hour saved per unit in hours
Man hour cost per day
Payback period in days
Return of Investment

To view the input values based on which the ROI is calculated, please check below.
Delivery Cost:
Trainer cost per hour
Training preparation time in hours
Training duration in hours
Trainer travel, food and stay cost
Average participant cost per hour
Total number of participants
Participant travel, food and stay cost
Venue cost
Frequency of training
Total trainer cost per training
Total participant cost per training
Total training delivery cost
Development Cost:
Course developer cost per hour
Course development ratio
Graphic designer cost per hour
Graphic development ratio
Total development cost for the course
Total training cost

ROI and Payback Report with Input Values

Based on the assumed improvements stated below, the related ROI and Payback period is stated below.
Productivity improvement based on units of production
Increase in productivity in units
Profit per product unit
Payback period in days
Return of Investment

ROI and Payback Report with Input Values

Based on the assumed improvements stated below, the related ROI and Payback period is stated below.
Productivity improvement based on time saved per unit
Man hour saved per unit in hours
Man hour cost per day
Payback period in days
Return of Investment

To view the input values based on which the ROI is calculated, please check below.
Delivery Cost:
Total trainer cost per training
Total trainer cost per training
Venue cost (if applicable)
Total training delivery cost
Development Cost:
Total development cost for the course
Total graphic development cost
Total development cost
Total training cost