Instructional Design

Let’s laugh at our shared eLearning and Instructional Design mistakes and ‘learning experiences,’ shall we?

  1. The lorem Ipsum surprise forgot to replace that dummy text? Congrats, your course is now bilingual… in gibberish!
  2. The ding-dong soundtrack recording voice-over with notifications on. Nothing says “professional” like a chorus of pings!
  3. The slide mix-up when your safety training suddenly includes a recipe for chocolate chip cookies. Yum… but why?
  4. The font fails that fancy font looked great on your computer. Now it’s hieroglyphics. Oops!
  5. The link to nowhere click here for… a 404 error. Adventure awaits! (Just kidding, it doesn’t.)
  6. The auto play scare unexpected video blasts at full volume. Heart attacks, now included in your course!
  7. The never-ending Image high-res image still loading? Time to grab a coffee… or three.
  8. The typo that haunts “welcome to our untied learning program!” unity? united? oops, too late – it’s already published.
  9. The impossible quiz when all answers are wrong, who’s really learning? (Hint: it’s you!)
  10. The deadline dream “I’ll finish this weekend!” narrator: “They did not finish that weekend.”

What’s your best “oops” story in eLearning and Instructional Design? 

Lokesh R Sahal - Check n Click

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